Did you know that you can get a free home energy audit through Mass Save? They will recommend ways to improve energy efficiency and cut energy costs and they also offer rebates on insulation, high efficiency water heaters and other incentives. In addition they provide no cost home improvements including:Did you know that you can get a free home energy audit through Mass Save? They will recommend ways to improve energy efficiency and cut energy costs and they also offer rebates on insulation, high efficiency water heaters and other incentives. In addition they provide no cost home improvements including:• ENERGY STAR® LED light bulbs• Advanced power strips• Low-flow showerheads• Faucet aerators• Programmable thermostats or discounted wireless thermostats (installed at a second appointment)For more information go to: https://www.masssave.com/en/saving/energy-assessments/homeowners/
March 1, 2020
- Post author:Karl Schwirz
- Post published:November 24, 2020
- Post category:Green Team Green Tip / Uncategorized