CoPresidents (CoChairs)

There will be two CoChairs, who will share and or/divide responsibilities for individual communications, fundraising, and community building activities. One of the Co-Chairs will be designated President of the Corporation by the Board of Directors. This sharing/division of responsibilities will occur before the school year begins. The Co-Chairs will also advise and coordinate committee chairpersons. Duties include:

  • Create and maintain a PTO calendar of events.
  • Create a list of committee chair people in May before the school year. Existing chair people hold right of refusal.
  • Create a list of Teacher Representatives in May before school year. Existing reps hold right or refusal. Along with reps from several grades, teacher reps should include an ELL teacher, Special Education teacher and METCO administrator.
  • Create calendar in close consultation with the Countryside Principal. The calendar will be made in May for the following school year.
  • Maintain and update calendar throughout the school year in close coordination with Countryside Principal.
  • Share calendar with clerk so it can be published in Directory.
  • Share calendar with WebMaster so it can be posted on the website.
  • Plan and run monthly board meetings. Historically held on first Thursday of the month. One week prior to Board meeting, send agenda to Clerk so it can be sent to Board members.
  • Plan and run monthly Teacher Rep meetings. Historically held on second Tuesday of month. One week prior to meeting, send agenda to Teacher Reps.
  • Introduce the PTO and its mission at Back-to-School Night.
  • At least one CoPresident should be present at all PTO events.
  • Serve as CoPres editor on the Update every other month. This includes proof-reading the newsletter and making sure all necessary information is included.

TIME COMMITMENT: approx. 10 hours/week


The Clerk of the Corporation will handle all correspondence of the Countryside PTO and the Board of Directors as well as assist the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors with communications. Duties include:

  • Oversee production of the PTO Directory
  • Create a PTO photo board with pictures of the Board members and committee heads. This poster will be used at all PTO events in order that the community will be familiar with the structure of the PTO board.
  • Check PTO mailbox in the Main Office and alert committee heads if there is mail for them
  • Oversee the maintenance of the PTO Bulletin Board. Information there should be relevant and up-to-date.
  • Oversee the creation of the Faculty Photo Board in the main lobby. This board is assembled by the Picture Day team when the photos become available (usually in the beginning of November)
  • Send email blasts for PTO events and activities including UOD and CA&S reports
  • Maintain and organize the PTO MailChimp account including:
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office, including sending a notice of the meetings to the Executive Committee and the Countryside Community as deemed necessary by the Co-Chairs
  • Email the Update with a notice of a board meeting 10 days before that meeting is to occur (this way, notice will be advertised to the public on the Sunday before the Board Meeting)
  • Advertise Open Board meetings as is deemed fit (posters, sandwich board)
  • Email the Board with proposed agenda at least one week before a Board meeting. Presidents will provide Clerk with proposed agenda.
  • Provide a typed copy of the minutes of each meeting for approval at subsequent meetings
  • ​Email minutes to all Board members within 5 days of a Board Meeting for approval. Alert recipients that any changes to the minutes must be made within 2 days
  • ​Email approved and/or amended minutes to PTO WebMaster so they may be posted on the PTO Website
  • TIME COMMITMENT: very busy in September; afterward, approx. 4 hr/week


The Treasurer will be the chief fiscal officer of the Countryside PTO and will receive all monies of the Countryside PTO, will keep and accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and will make authorized disbursements in accordance with the budget. The Treasurer will provide regular reports of the Countryside PTO’s finances, prepare an annual budget for approval of the Countryside PTO at its annual meetings, and will prepare or oversee the filing of all fiscal reports and filings of the Countryside PTO as may be required to be filed with federal, state and local governments and agencies from time to time.

Room Parent Coordinator

TIME COMMITMENT: very busy in September; afterward approx. 2 hrs per week

Secure Room Parents for each classroom in the school. (approx. 22 classrooms)

Advertise position of room parents in Update, Website, Back-to-School Night.

Maintain organized list of Room Parents contact information.

Coordinate a meeting for room parents to attend to learn responsibilities.

Explain to room parents their role and responsibilities.

Communicate teacher gift policy.

Communicate with room parents as needed regarding PTO events.

Attend monthly Teacher Rep Meetings (if possible).

Fund-Raising Coordinator

TIME COMMITMENT: very busy Sept and Oct; afterward approx. 1 hour/week

Meet with Treasurer to establish fund-raising goals.

Develop a written fund-raising plan before school year begins.

Revise Fundraising brochure as needed and print for Back to School Night.

Work with individual event organizers to create promotional materials for fundraisers. Have copies made of all materials.

Advertise fundraisers as needed through Update, Website, student folders, room parents, etc.

Send thank you notes and necessary tax information to donors as needed.